Singing Guide: Breaking Benjamin

Singing Guide: Breaking Benjamin

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Breaking Benjamin: Singing Techniques and How to Sing Like Ben

Breaking Benjamin is a rock band founded by Ben Burnley in 1999. Ben is best known for his distinctive voice, heavy guitar riffs, and emotional lyrics.

If you want to learn how to sing like Ben, you need to focus on developing your emotional delivery, maintaining proper breath support and enhancing your range. Exploring the following Singing Carrots resources will help you do just that:

  1. Vocal range test: Perform the vocal range test to determine the top and bottom notes you're comfortable with. You can then compare them with those of famous singers and see where you belong.
  2. Pitch accuracy test: The key to delivering emotional delivery as Ben does is pitch accuracy. Take Singing Carrots' Pitch Accuracy test to see how well you can match pitch.
  3. Vocal Pitch Monitor: Take advantage of the Vocal Pitch Monitor to see how you sing your notes. You can also see how the notes match up on the virtual piano, which is very helpful in extending your range.
  4. Pitch Training: The Pitch Training course includes interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualization exercises, and range and agility exercises to help develop your singing skills.
  5. Song-search: Search through Singing Carrots' library of thousands of songs to find the ones that best suit your range, genre preferences, and difficulty level. You'll also find the lyrics, sheet music, chords, and YouTube audio to match.

To develop a vocal technique similar to Ben's, focus on the following:

  1. Learn to sing with emotion. Ben's style of singing is characterized by his emotional delivery. Use the tips for communicating emotion in Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking and How to find your own authentic voice to achieve this.
  2. Work on your breath support. Proper breath support is crucial to singing. The most important thing is not to hold your breath while singing. Check out the resources on breath support in Breathing Basics, Breath Support, and Vocal health on Singing Carrots.
  3. Work on your range. To sing like Ben, you need to improve your range. Develop your range by practicing exercises in Pitch Training, which focuses on range and agility.
  4. Practice regularly. The art of singing takes time to perfect. Use Singing Carrot's learning tools regularly to improve every day.
  5. Enunciate. Ben's diction is usually clear and easy to understand. Visit Articulation on Singing Carrots to learn tips on how to pronounce your words better.

When practicing, analyze the songs of Breaking Benjamin and focus on Ben's delivery of each song. Here are a few songs to start with:

  • “So Cold” (We Are Not Alone, 2004)
  • “The Diary of Jane” (Phobia, 2006)
  • “Breath” (Phobia, 2006)
  • “Failure” (Dark Before Dawn, 2015)
  • “Red Cold River” (Ember, 2018)

The above songs use Ben's unique vocal techniques such as his use of mixed voice, vibrato, resonant singing, and falsetto. Use them and Singing Carrots' resources to hone your craft and perfect your performance.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.